Sunday 4 January 2009
We're still alive... we apologize for the lack of updates. We have all been extremely busy thanks to Christmas and the New Year. We'll be back tomorrow with our featured swimmers for January and a special feature for the month, so please stay tuned! We really do appreciate everyone sticking with us.

On to something that has us wanting to scream and BITCH SLAP Peter Carlisle so relentlessly that he will stop his insane desire to have MP sign endorsements with random companies that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SWIMMING OR RAISING THE BAR FOR THE SPORT. -What about the Michael Phelps Foundation? We know you've already got a bank account the size of Texas to support it...

Phelps has signed with Mazda and will be in Beijing this coming week to film commercials, print ads and make a few public appearances. (See the article here.) Personally, we think Phelpsie should get his "fat" ass back into the pool because Nationals will be here in SIX months. S-I-X! Hopefully Coach Bobbie isn't having an anurism. Michael's swim break has lasted far longer than we expected. Some of our other swimmers are already looking mighty firece COUGHlochteCOUGH. Hopefully MP gets his act together because honestly, we're getting nervous.

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posted by KNR at 17:45 |


At 5 January 2009 at 13:57, Anonymous Anonymous said........
it is very funny that mike is a spokeperson for madza a japanese car compagny ; in france alain bernard is a spoke person for the toyota prius in france since beijing !